Sunday, October 2, 2016

Orlandoo Hunter

It's thought-time on the Orlandoo Hunter 1/35 trail crawler kit.

That's right.  A 1/35 scale r/c crawler kit.  I had seen postings of this when it was first teased, and have wanted to get it ever since.  I finally decided to pick it a few months back, and went with the electronics combo package.  The only thing I needed to supply is the Tx/Rx and battery charger, which I already had.

This is more of an r/c model.  To get it to look really good you need to take your time, and also paint/detail it up, much like a static model.  I don't do models, and yet this was mostly a joy to assemble.  The only real pain was mounting the ball studs for the upper links to the chassis.  And I couldn't find any full/complete assembly videos.  I did find one set of assembly videos, but as luck would have it they left this step out.  I can't remember who it was, but I was not happy with them.  The video had them assembling the links, and then the next shot they were mounted to the chassis.  And I was like "What the hell, dude!"  I guess I can't complain too loudly as I didn't video my assembly of that step either (or any of the assembly).  But how I got them mounted was definitely NOT the right way (it involved some CA glue).

I finally got it all assembled and electronics mounted.  Guess what I used for the Tx/Rx?  My Spektrum DX6 and 6-channel receiver.  Let me tell you that is major radio overkill for this tiny little truck.  It is assembled, but I have not detailed it.  I think I am just going to leave it as is for a *basher* version.  If not for my difficult time mounting the upper links to the chassis, I would be ordering another combo kit to try and detail up.  I may still do it, but we shall see.  There are other crawlers and quads that I want to pick up too.

Driving it is fun.  The combo package I picked up had the higher turn brushed motor.  This means that it drives slow.  Very slow.  The other challenge is that with it being so small, you really need to think about what obstacles to put in it's way.  And even with these items (and assembly challenge) I would still recommend this over the ECX 1/24 Temper to any r/c hobbyist.

I just recently learned that they have released a new crawler: Orlandoo 1/35 EP Scale Crawler Assembly Kit w/ Wrangler Body #OH35A01-KIT.  It has a ladder frame, which appears to be easier assembly.  So I will definitely be picking this one up.  Maybe a little holiday gift for myself?  Ha ha.

Happy crawling!

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