Tuesday, October 25, 2016

New quadcopter!

Woohoo! I picked up a new quadcopter.  I know, big surprise.  This one is the Dromida Hovershot. Yes I know, it's not an FPV quad.  That will be coming.  This post will be just a quick little first impressions.

Well it seems that I have not been having real good luck with camera drones.  I have 3 other micro camera quads.  The Heli-max 1SQ V-cam, Dromida Kodo, and Blade Glimpse.  I will actually get into these more in other posts, but basically 2 are now discontinued models, and 1 doesn't have a functioning iOS app.

So enter the Hovershot.  Before I actually clicked the purchase button, I verified the motor connection.  The motors have connectors, and are not soldered to the main board like the Dromida Kodo and Verso.  In the manual it actually states to unplug the motors in the sections for changing motors and changing main board.  This is a very big plus for me, and as you may have caught from earlier posts that I am not big on soldering.  So once I verified that, I ordered it.  I received it this past Friday, but it was my anniversary so that took priority.

On Saturday after doing some errands, I unboxed it, charged it, and took it for a quickie.  I was able to connect to the app, and able to record some video and take pictures.  This will now become my main micro camera quad out of the ones that I have.

My first impression is that this is a good micro/beginner camera quad.  You get everything in a nice box that even has a carry handle.  It flies good and everything works.  That's all I will say for right now.  Once I can get in more flight time with it, I'll post up my thoughts.  And last item, here is one of the unboxing pictures.

Happy droning!

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