Sunday, November 20, 2016

Another Run of Quadcopter vids

I just uploaded three new quadcopter videos.  They were actually filmed back on October 30.  My at even made a guest appearance in one.  Kitty was not harmed, and I didn't chase after her too much.  She never got corned, she always had an escape route.

For one of the videos, I tried out using the slow-motion to sync with certain parts of the songs used.  I think it turned out OK.  When the video does slo-mo, it has some skipping for some reason.  I think that it might be how I am doing things.  I recorded the video at 120fps on my iPhone5s, but did the video editing in Pinnacle Studio on my iPhone7+.  Not sure if it's that, or a limitation of the video editing app.  I actually like how it goes overall, and I will be doing more of it.  Just need to find some more songs that I can do this with.

And now for the videos!

Blade NanoQX 3D with the slo-mo parts:

Blade mQX:

Blade Inductrix with special guest star Piper the Cat:

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