Tuesday, December 1, 2015

More new stuff

In my last blog I mentioned a new camera.  I wanted to talk more about it in this post.

I've been looking around for an action camera.  Something that I can mount on some of my r/c vehicles to get a new perspective.  The GoPro seems to be the standard, and anyone doing action shots has one.  While I admit they are nice, they are just a bit to pricey for my basher budget.  The other one I was looking at was the Replay XD.  It is something different, and not GoPro.  But still a little pricey for a basher's first time trying an action camera.

While I continued my search, I came across what some might call a GoPro knock off.  They don't try to claim to be GoPro's, at least I haven't found that anywhere.  It is SJCAM.  The one that I went with is the SJ4000 without the Wi-Fi.  I have only used it a few times, but so far it isn't bad.  Since I don't have any other action cameras, I can't make a proper comparison.  The one thing I do like, besides the price, is that it does have a built in LCD screen.  This will probably decrease the over all run time when compared to a GoPro without one, but for a weekend basher to get started with using an action camera I think it's a good starter.

In fact I have already got a video uploaded that I shot 90% of with this camera.
I used a head strap designed for the GoPro, and the SJ4000 mounts to it with no problem.  It would be safe to say that the SJ4000 can probably use most of the GoPro cases and mounts.  I'll be using this camera more.

The only downside so far that I have with it is that my Windows 7 system won't detect it as a media storage device to grab off the video.  Luckily for me I have some memory card readers, so this is not a big problem.

Since I like this SJ4000, I was thinking about getting another.  But now SJCAM has released a cube camera, much like GoPro.

So guess which one is on my list?  The M10.

And speaking of new stuff, I have found a new r/c product manufacture: FireBrand RC.  They have some nice looking bodies and decals.  Now I have been trying to find some non truck and SUV bodies for my crawlers.  These guys happen to have The Judge.  A very nice semi truck body, but a little on the small scale for my SCX10 crawler.  But it does work.

I like their stuff, and will be getting more.

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