Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Helios - Mission 2: Survival

Well I had some extra footage that didn't make it or fit in with the "Mission: Patrol" video.  I went through the video apps I have, and decided to try Silent Film Director and come up with the follow:

Putting this one together was almost as fun as running the crawler.  Now I'm going to have to make sure to get extra shots during my crawls to come up with more Silent Film videos.  Maybe even use the Silent Film format as my "extras".

So it looks like I need to get moving on the Venom Creeper.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

My first 2-for.

At uploading crawling videos that is.  While monitoring the smoking grill, I decided to catch up on some video processing.

First up is the full length short film for Helios - Mission: Patrol:

This is the first time of using FiLMiC Pro.  I found that I need to lock the focus.  Having auto focus doesn't turn out too well.  I also need to verify that recording is on or off.  When hitting the first big rock, there was actually supposed to be more footage just before.  Unfortunately I ended up NOT recording the driving, and recorded the repositioning of the camera.  And I totally goofed up on paying attention to the shots.  I ended up with full size vehicles again.  Oh well.  Lessons learned for the next adventure.  This was done in iMovie, so sorry about the music.  iMovie doesn't have much of a selection for music, and I am not brave enough to use my music from iTunes.

I also ran into an issue trying to upload from the iPhone.  for some reason it kept failing.  iMovie never gave a clear reason why, but looking at the length I'm guess the phone couldn't handle the upload.  And yes it was connected to Wi-Fi.

Up next is a trailer for the Utah night crawling:

This time I locked the auto focus.  but with the setting Sun, I had a challenge with the lighting.  I didn't use the iPhone's flash at all as I didn't want to much extra light or light from a weird angle.  And I wanted the truck lights to show up good.  Also, the full size vehicles were on my watch list.  There shouldn't be any this time, but I'll know once I start diving into the full film.  This was a blast filming.  As I do more shooting and crawling, hopefully the videos will get better.

Off to crawl more!