Thursday, May 31, 2012

Utah Crawling 2012

This past weekend we went up to Utah, around the St George area.  We just spent a relaxing weekend.  I got in some late day crawling.  Pretty much just as the Sun was going down.  I ran the SCX10 Trail Honcho with all lights on, and got some video too.  The start had good lighting, but later as it got dark not so much.  This would be a down side to the iPhone being used as a video camera: not much low light recording without using the flash.  The flash/light was not used, as I wanted to try to make use of the surrounding light and get the truck lights to show up good.  The movie trailer is in the works currently.  I also did some crawling not captured on video.  Shooting video while solo crawling can be a little challenging.  Setting up the camera in the right spot at the right angle to get the shot I want can reduce the time of just crawling all over.

While not crawling, I did take some time to work on the Helios crawl movie.  I have found that having a bigger screen for iMovie editing would help greatly (maybe I can help sway Santa with a six-pack).  It's almost ready for upload.

The Creeper is in the "garage".  Finally started the remote diff lock mods.  For those not familiar, the Venom Creeper has lockable diffs and Venom ( known as Atomik RC for their RC vehicles) has an add-on kit to setup the diffs with remote lock/unlock abilities using a 3+ channel transmitter.  The mod that I am working on is relocating the servers from the stock mounting position on the chassis to a position on the axles.  Hopefully I can get this completed soon and try it out.  I am also going to re-setup the shocks back to stock setup.  Ooh! I hates messin' with shocks!  Without the anti-roll springs the body tends to tilt, a lot.  So much that a pinball machine would just fall apart from looking at it.  The last run with it at the in-laws, father-in-law asked why it was tilted.  Well, this is the technical reason why.

That's all for now.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

More Crawling

Been a little lazy on blogging about crawling.  The past few weekend visits to the in-laws, I have taken over both the Creeper and the SCX10 to do some crawling in the back yard.  The nephews love watching them go, but I think these are a little slow for their tastes.  They prefer the fast RC's and trying to out run them.  But they did still have fun.  They would be tunnels for the trucks to drive under them.  Have me chase them with the trucks.  With these trucks running 55T brushed motors, the boys have more than enough speed to run away.

Of the trucks I do have, I seem to have more fun with the SCX10.  It was able to get over a large rock while the Creeper could not.  The Creeper is a competition crawler, and when setup correctly it will out crawler a scaler any day.  So I must have the setup wrong with the Creeper.  Oh well, someday I will get it right.

I have put on a new body for the SCX10.  This is a discontinued Pro-Line Racing Helios body which very closely resembles the Halo Warthog.  To bad this is discontinued as it makes a great body for the SCX10.

As such, I am going to make some mods that I can to this body.  Mainly I will be trying to add some lights, and maybe a few scale details such as tools.  I may even try to work on some sort of interior too.

I just did some crawling with it this morning.  It ran good with the new(ish) body.  And this run I did get some video and a few pictures.  I will actually try to do a trailer first, then the full movie short.

For the video capture, I used a new app FiLMiC Pro. Using the app was pretty easy.  It has separate reticules for focus and white balance.  The white balance reticule came in handy with the outdoor shooting.  If there was back light, I could move the white balance around until I got the lighting I liked.  We'll see how all the video looks when I get working on the new short.  So far, though, I am impressed with this app.  If you like shooting video with your iPhone, I would recommend this app over the default built in video camera app just for the white balance adjust-ability.