Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Crawler update

Since my last blog entry, I haven't gotten any pictures prepared from the park day, and I have not even touched the video footage.  I think that the prospect of trying to put a video together on my my iPhone using 2 video sources without any proper multi-camera usage is going to be a very long and difficult project to tackle.

But I do have a little bit of an update.  I was able to recently get a hold of another Pro-Line Racing Rockstar crawler body.
I tend to go more for the not-so-ordinary bodies when ever I can (which is why I wish they still made the Helios body).  And it ends up this was the last one in stock at the online shop I ordered from.  This Rockstar body is also discontinued.  Which is sad as this is a nice looking comp style body.  I think Pro-Line Racing just needs to rename it and re-release it.  The only modification I needed to do was to relocate the remote receiver box from where I mounted it originally.  Other than that, I just need to charge everything up and hit the rocks.  I may try to pick up a small light kit to use with this body.  Now I just need to find a nice quiet place to crawl around.