Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Crawler Update

The Micro Crawler movie is slow going.  I have the video shot and ready to use, I just need to get busy on it.  One thing I can show is a movie poster:

(this film has not yet been rated)

On another project, I am working on getting my Venom Creeper setup with some extra functions.  While disassembling, I came across some stripped set screws (or grub screws).  So far I have not found an easy removal process.  Plan B is to use my Dremel with a metal-cutting wheel.  This ought to be interesting, since it's my first metal work (or should I say hack).  I also grabbed some dust masks and safety glasses.  We'll see how things go this Saturday.

Until next update, Nanu Nanu!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Upcoming project...

I am working on a new video involving my Losi Micro Crawler.  It's on an indoor coarse in the computer room, but no computer crawling...yet.  And yes it is a computer room, not a man-cave.  My wife does use the room too.  Shooting the video was a little odd using the iPhone since I don't have any sort of tripod.  But that's a challenge for another day.  The run was fun.  I may post some previews later, if I can find any preview worthy shots.